Aug. 3rd, 2013. Today we look back at the art show we had the pleasure of hosting back in August of 2013. Affectionately called “Summer Slam”, this show featured the work of Dino Perez, Deity, Kasey Mahoney, Joe Ded, RASK, AR and Hannah Webb.
Tag Archives: Hannah Webb
May ’14 art walk GCS Santa Ana
“All Our Love 2” art show photo re-cap FEB 7th, 2015
FEB 7th, 2015… GCS was happy to host the second edition of the “All Our Love” art show that takes place during february’s art walk. This specially selected group of artists represented some of what GCS loves and holds most dear. We thank all the artists that were involved in the show as well as the crowds that came in though out the night. Big thanks to Scarub from Living Legends for his in store performance, which we covered in a previous post. DJ’s Real and AB were on the decks all night long. DJ AB had a HUG STATION out in front of the shop for the night promoting peace in the hood. And DEITY and Kimberly Duran finished up their latest pieces steps away from our front door.
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“All Our Love 2” art show for Feb ’15 art walk
Love is in the air as GCS Clothing Store and Art Gallery gets ready for the second installment of “All Our Love” art show. And with a roster of artists like this, whats not to love. We hope that you and your loved ones can join us for ART WALK DTSA feb 7th, 2015. As always, the art show is free and all ages. Music, refreshments and artists will be on hand for the nights festivities. Event starts at 7pm and goes until 11pm. For those that cannot make it out that night, the art will hang for the rest of the month.