April 20 / April 21 Art Shows 2012

GCS Santa Ana is celebrating the 420 holiday the only way we know how… with art! This weekend brings us two art shows. On Friday April 20th, we will have a special 420 inspired art show in addition to an instore performance with Orko Eloheim (Global Floatations). This is a quick stike art show, open to our most irie cutomers and artists.

Saturday April 21st brings the show “Serenity Minds”. This is the second art show curated by Jonathan Martinez. Jonathan has been working here for the past year and has shown his art during several art shows held here in that time. This is a four person show featuring Irene Garcia, Zack Bowen, Jaw Ear and Jonathan Martinez. Jonathan’s first show has a huge success and this one promises to be even better.

So after the hoopla and razzle dazzle coming from the innumerable despensory promotions, come by, relax and enjoy the great art that will bless our gallery this fine April weekend.