DEC 2019- We come across many great artists, musicians and other creatives here at GCS. They’re all getting it done in their own right, making the world a better place with their efforts. We meet #MYHOODISGOOD team on a Tuesday and by Thursday night, they were leaving a mark on the downtown community. These guys were passing through Santa Ana on their trip from St. Petersburg and after talking with them, GCS helped them secure wall space so they can share their art with us. Located on the Bush St. side of 4th St. Market, their portrait of the native american chief Sitting Bull stands tall, almost taking up the entire side of the building. It was a treat to see them paint. With surgical precision, they got the job done in 2 days and less than 12 cans. I wish more local artists could have seen them at work, it never hurts to watch artists create. Here are a few photos we grabbed while @1m5orry was painting. Stop by and take a look for yourself.
Home sweet home… GCS Clothing Store and Art Gallery. Located in the heart of Downtown Santa Ana. Doing our best to bring the best products, artists and events to the community. Are doors are always open to new and returning clients and friends. Stop by and see what’s new. GCS 206 E. 4th St, Unit B Santa Ana, CA 92701 @gcssantaana
Flashback to Oct 21, 2017 when the “Viva La Vida” Dia De Los Muertos event took place in the lot in front of our shop here in Downtown Santa Ana. A fun filled day of beautiful art, music and cultura. Here are a few images we grabbed from the day. Can’t wait for next year.
GCS would like to thank SLAVE ONE for coming through and painting in front of the shop during the Vida La Vida Day of The Dead event Oct 21, 2017. We hope to have him back very soon.
GCS would like to thank Stan “Saints One” Nunez for coming through and painting in front of the shop for art walk. Look out for more art coming to the alley in the front of the shop.
The artist known as INOVATE came through during the Aug ’17 art walk and blessed the alley with a new art piece. Come by and take a look for yourself. Located right in front of our neighbors Eat Chow.
As part of the August Art walk in DTSA, GCS hosted MEEZY as he painted a new piece out in front of the shop. MEEZY killed it with MTN Hardcore paint. Come by and take a look before its another art memory. A huge thank you to this artist… look out for more from this guy.
GCS was honored to host Stan “Saints One” Nunez during the Sept ’17 art walk in DTSA. He came through to paint a new piece in the alley as well as hang some prints and originals in our gallery. Make sure to follow his social media to see more from this talented artist.
Join us July 15th for Sabrina Mari’s first solo art show. New works displayed and available for purchase. Free and all ages, mark your calendars this one is going to be great.
GERMIZM came through for the June ’17 art walk with some of his latest works. This guy kills it every time. Come through to see his work in person, art will hang all month.
June 3, 2017- Pablo Damas a.k.a. Sickdotone came through with his latest art pieces. Acrylic on wood. These paintings are even more impressive in person, come through and see them for yourself. WIll hang throughout June.
Back in stock. The “La Reina De Las Tribus” Hooded Sweater and tee shirt by Upper Playground. Men’s and Women’s sizes in the tee are available here at the shop on the website.
This great looking special edition can is still available at GCS. All chromed out, this can really shines. Come through and get it before it’s too late.
Hurry in and get this MTN artist series can by CEET Foaud. Limited edition, only 500 pieces made. Comes in wooden box with the artist name stamped on the side. Great display piece.