This doesn’t happen very often, but from time to time we find photos for art shows that we have hosted and we cannot remember the date of the show. Granted, this was in the early days of the gallery, as you can tell from the quality of the photos. We know this was a three person art show that featured Tyoni Aragon, Joel Beers a.k.a. SRPNT WOLF and Pavel Acevedo. We’ll update this info once its validated, until then enjoy these images from the night.
Aug 1st, 2015- No frills, no gimmicks. Just a good ol’ art show for the first of the month. We would like to thank RASK, XPLODE, Ed Gutter, DARCS, GERMIZM, Susie Cue, Tyoni Aragon, Tanya Rose, VGML, Pablo Damas, Jonathan Martinez, Mary Rose and Brittney Camille Gonzalez for bringing in art and participating in this month’s art walk.
A huge shout out to AWOL ONE and XPLODE for painting live during the event. Thank you to Shadow, DJ Real and a very heart felt thank you from all of us at GCS to DJ AB, for this was his last art walk with us before his move to the state of Washington. God speed, sir.
May 3, 2014. Heres a look back at our May 2014 art walk. A collection of GCS veterans. This exposition brought together pieces from 4 or 5 different previous art shows here in our gallery. How many can you name?
In celebration of the November Art Walk and Day of the Dead, GCS presented “Bringing Out The Dead II”. An art show that brought out different aspects of life and death and the beauty that comes from both. This was the second year that this theme was explored and it was just as impactful as the previous show. The roster included some artists that are familiar to the GCS audience as well as a few new names. It was non-stop crowds all evening long as the night coincided with the “Noche De Altares” street festival two blocks over.
NOV 2nd, 2013 brought to GCS Clothing Store and Art Gallery the second installment of “Bringing Out The Dead” art show. Our version of the celebration of life and what comes at the end of it. Not your typical day of the dead art show, our hand selected artists put thier own unique twist on the themes and emotions involved with this time of the season.
The roster of artists that contributed work goes as follows: EGADS, Tyoni Aragon, Jonathan Martinez, Mike Giant, Aseph, 3rdi, Steve Tipton, Dino Bowen, Kasey Mahoney, Ducky, Ana Gonzalez, Germizm, BENONE, Alicia Rojas, Alisa King, Charley Reynoso, Bigboy, Heidi Hernandez, Kenos One, Edward Velasquez, FRED ONE, KRAY, DAMET, VGML, Jess Johnson, Nick Macaulay, Trixie’s Pinatas, and Ed Gutter…
The show opened to huge crowds being that the November Art Walk coincided with the Noche de Altares street festival taking place a few blocks away. Judging by the reactions of the crowd, “Bringing Out The Dead” art show accomplished what it set out to do, to be a memoriable part of the day’s experience. Be on the lookout for next year’s art show – we hope it’ll keep growing in impact.
“Bringing Out The Dead II” art show. NOV 2nd, 2013