GCS is happy to announce our event for JUNE ART WALK. We’re calling it GCS BLOCK PARTY in keeping with the theme of the EAST END BLOCK PARTY. What is that you ask? Well, its like the art walk amplified 10 fold. 4th street will be blocked off to allow for a few music stages. The Beatswapmeet will also be the neighborhood so saying that the day (and night) is going to get busy down here is an understatement.
Our event will combine a featured art show, hip hop in store performances, live painting and a breaking and popping contest.
Featured guest artists are Carlos Aguilar and KSRA, also known as “Theydrift“. Supporting the art show are 3rdi, Flert, Hiroe, Bigcer, Jon Basco and Kasey Mahoney. Live art installations by Hippieone, Q-Vo and 3rdi.
In store performances by Declaime a.k.a Dudley Perkins, JROZ and lastly we also have Jook & Pro performing songs off of their debut album “The Rebirth of Jook the First.”
Going down right outside our front doors, is the return of 27 junkies to GCS Santa Ana to host our first breakdancing and pop lock contest since we moved to the new location. Hosting the event will be Burstrock and OG Tic Tac. Breakers and poppers will vie for $100 in prizes to the winners of the two battles.
Rounding out the event are DJ’s Great Daine, Nueropunk, DJ Real and DJ AB.
Tons of sights and sounds for your senses to feast on, so you best not miss this event!